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Changes in taxation of in-kind contributions: Tax incentives for innovators
A new package of tax incentives under the programme described in Poland’s “Innovation Whitepaper” went into force at the beginning of 2017. This legislative move is a bow to researchers and encourages further innovative projects.
Changes in taxation of in-kind contributions: Tax incentives for innovators
Courts make mistakes too
Losses caused by human errors should be made up. But there are fields where it is particularly difficult to obtain damages to redress mistakes.
Courts make mistakes too
The concept of agricultural real estate under the Agricultural System Act
The broad limitations on trading in agricultural land introduced by amendment of the Agricultural System Act require extreme caution in any transaction potentially involving this type of property, as the definition of agricultural land assumes huge importance.
The concept of agricultural real estate under the Agricultural System Act
The Polar Code is now in force: New regulations and new challenges
The Polar Code entered into force at the beginning of 2017. It is a major event for companies in the maritime industry navigating in Arctic and Antarctic regions.
The Polar Code is now in force: New regulations and new challenges
Additional tax obligation for incorrect VAT settlements
The “big amendment” to Poland’s VAT Act entered into force on 1 January 2017. As the popular title indicates, numerous changes were made in the existing VAT Act. The changes were designed to close loopholes in the law and thus improve VAT collections.
Additional tax obligation for incorrect VAT settlements
Weaker protection of individual tax interpretations
From the start of 2017, the protection provided by previously issued individual tax interpretations became doubtful. The problem particularly concerns protection when tax advantages are obtained after 1 January 2017 in connection with adjustment to the factual situation or future events which were the subject of the individual interpretation.
Weaker protection of individual tax interpretations
Changes in tax treaties on the horizon
In 2013 an OECD forum began work on the BEPS project, comprising 15 actions for tightening the international system of tax treaties and preventing tax avoidance by taxpayers exploiting loopholes in tax treaties. These measures cover a broad spectrum of issues connected with taxation of international trade.
Changes in tax treaties on the horizon
Virtual currencies: How to tax gains?
The Bitcoin exchange rate has been smashing records recently. People who bought this currency at much lower rates may realise significant profits. But the issue of how to tax such income has generated doubts for a long time. A recent change in the statistical classification of trading in Bitcoin has only added to these uncertainties.
Virtual currencies: How to tax gains?
Filing documents in procurement proceedings following amendment of the Public Procurement Law
Contractors initially declare that they meet the conditions for participating in a procurement, and at a later stage submit confirming documents. This rule applies to all modes for awarding public contracts, but the law provides for certain exceptions.
Filing documents in procurement proceedings following amendment of the Public Procurement Law
What is a “reasonable alternative” for a development project?
An environmental impact assessment report must contain a description of the alternatives for the proposed project that were studied: the investor’s proposal, the most environmentally beneficial alternative, and a reasonable alternative. The last notion raises the most doubts.
What is a “reasonable alternative” for a development project?
Important changes in joint commercial proxies
An amendment to the Polish Civil Code has created new types of commercial proxies but also raised doubts about the legitimacy of joint commercial proxies granted before the new legislation came into force.
Important changes in joint commercial proxies
Tax sanctions imposed on cash transactions over PLN 15,000 from 1 January 2017
As of 2016, the limit for cash transactions is EUR 15,000, and there is no tax sanction for violating this limit. All of this will change from 1 January 2017.
Tax sanctions imposed on cash transactions over PLN 15,000 from 1 January 2017