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Taxation of income from trading in cryptocurrencies: A new approach
The Polish government is currently working on a completely new tax regime applicable to income from trading in cryptocurrencies (virtual currencies) for personal income tax and corporate income tax purposes. For PIT purposes, this income is to be taxed as income from cash capital at the rate of 19% regardless of whether the turnover is of a private nature or made in the course of business activity. For CIT purposes, the income from trading in cryptocurrencies will be classified as capital gains. These new rules would apply from 1 January 2019.
Taxation of income from trading in cryptocurrencies: A new approach
Changes in public-private partnerships
Compulsory evaluation of the effectiveness of PPP projects, the possibility of obtaining an opinion on the legitimacy of a project carried out under this formula, a PPP test for projects valued at more than PLN 300 million, implementation of PPP projects via a special purpose vehicle owned by a private partner: these are just some of the changes introduced by an act recently signed by the President of Poland.
Changes in public-private partnerships
The Public Procurement Office’s position on power of representation to file the ESPD
The Public Procurement Office has announced its standpoint on the form of the power of representation to sign an electronic ESPD. The ordinary written form is sufficient.
The Public Procurement Office’s position on power of representation to file the ESPD
Disputes involving demand guarantees
Demand guarantees are among the most popular methods of securing international commercial transactions. They may be used to secure both the payment of fees and satisfactory performance of particular works. The popularity of these guarantees (sometimes also referred to as payment guarantees) can be attributed to the fact that they are issued by trustworthy and globally recognisable financial institutions (usually banks and insurance companies), and their operation is governed by universal rules well-understood in the business community. Guarantees are also independent of the underlying relationship between the parties, and the payment conditions are based on objective criteria, eliminating the potential for unexpected interpretations and actions by the parties. Given these factors, it is understandable that disputes regarding payment guarantees can usually be avoided. However, when they do occur, they usually involve substantial sums, with the potential to affect the financial liquidity of the companies involved.
Disputes involving demand guarantees
The split payment mechanism
Regulations introducing the split payment mechanism for VAT entered into force in Poland on 1 July 2018. This mechanism in B2B transactions is designed as a weapon in the fight against VAT fraud.
The split payment mechanism
Split payment mechanism: Apparent and hidden benefits
Businesses are not required to use the split payment mechanism. But the initiative left to them does force them to examine whether it would be worthwhile to take advantage of this new instrument. Lawmakers went to some effort to encourage taxpayers to say yes.
Split payment mechanism: Apparent and hidden benefits
Split payment and the legal situation of financing banks
The split payment mechanism for business-to-business transactions entered into force on 1 July 2018. Introduction of this mechanism was motivated by the aim of closing gaps in the tax system. But split payment affects not only the situation of VAT payers, but also banks.
Split payment and the legal situation of financing banks
Possible growth, but also more problems: Split payment in factoring
Factoring is growing rapidly in Poland. According to the Polish Factors Association, the value of receivables that are the subject of factoring is growing year on year by an average of 18%. Introduction of split payment may strike at the financial liquidity of firms seeking financing, but it may also drive growth in the factoring industry. But every rose has thorns. Split payment complicates factoring transactions and introduces new risks for factors.
Possible growth, but also more problems: Split payment in factoring
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) did not determine whether rule of law is breached in Poland
The judgment issued on 25 July following a request for a preliminary ruling from an Irish court in case C-216/18 PPU L.M. does not essentially differ from the opinion issued by the advocate general. The CJEU stated specifically the circumstances in which the executing authority can find an exception to the principle of mutual recognition, but placed the final decision in the hands of the national court executing the European arrest warrant.
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) did not determine whether rule of law is breached in Poland
Louboutin wins case to defend red-soled shoes as a trademark
The European Court of Justice (CJEU) has ruled that Christian Louboutin’s famous red sole does not consist solely of a shape that significantly increases the value of a product, and therefore can be registered as a trademark. This is an important victory for the fashion designer in the long-running battle concerning red-soled shoes.
Louboutin wins case to defend red-soled shoes as a trademark
When can bid evaluation criteria apply to a contractor’s personnel?
An amendment to the Public Procurement Law of 22 June 2016 implementing Directive 2014/24/EU upholds the principle that bid evaluation criteria cannot apply to a contractor’s economic, technical, or financial credibility. Lawmakers have however provided for the possibility of formulating a criterion applicable to qualifications of a contractor’s personnel.
When can bid evaluation criteria apply to a contractor’s personnel?
The Commission pushes forward on intra-EU investment protection
Earlier this year, the European Commission scored an important success in its campaign against intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties. The CJEU’s judgment in the Achmea case1 confirmed the Commission’s standpoint that a system that allows an investor from one EU Member State to challenge in international arbitration measures taken against its investment by another, host EU Member State, is incompatible with EU law.
The Commission pushes forward on intra-EU investment protection