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Fairness opinions in Poland
External, independent opinions on the fairness of the financial conditions of M&A transactions are gaining popularity in Polish practice.
Fairness opinions in Poland
Deregulation of Wholesale Gas Prices in Poland
On 19 February 2013, the Energy Regulatory Office Chairman issued a statement on the exemption from the obligation to submit for approval wholesale natural gas market tariffs.
Deregulation of Wholesale Gas Prices in Poland
Changing of the guard on the M&A market
The time when Western firms made spectacular M&A investments in Asian markets is over.
Changing of the guard on the M&A market
Seizure of an aircraft: The perfect method to secure claims?
Suppliers to troubled airlines increasingly seek security for their claims. Is temporary seizure of an aircraft an effective instrument?
Seizure of an aircraft: The perfect method to secure claims?
Air carriers' liability for flight delays under the latest rulings from the ECJ and US courts
A right to compensation may be deduced from Regulation 261/2004 not only for cancellation of a flight, but also for a delay of 3 hours or more. Passengers eagerly exploit this right, but the court decisions continue to raise new controversies.
Air carriers' liability for flight delays under the latest rulings from the ECJ and US courts
When an airline is short of money: Public aid for air carriers
LOT Polish Airlines is not the only carrier seeking public aid. Airlines in other countries have also been forced to seek state support. Whether the effort succeeds depends primarily on how the aid is assessed by the European Commission.
When an airline is short of money: Public aid for air carriers
Airport ground services: A new approach
In the area of ground services, there is a battle between the interests of airports, groundhandling agents, staff and consumers. Any legal changes in this field typically represent a compromise between the interests of numerous stakeholders.
Airport ground services: A new approach
An aircraft as the subject of a registered pledge
Transactions involving aircraft typically require that security be established in favour of the financing parties. Due to the small number of such transactions, this issue is still not well-known in Poland.
An aircraft as the subject of a registered pledge
The Drumet story-from bankruptcy to acquisition by a strategic investor
In the course of the past four years, Drumet, a Polish producer of steel wire, has gone through an interesting series of ownership changes.
The Drumet story-from bankruptcy to acquisition by a strategic investor
The future of securitisation
The recommendations published recently by the Financial Stability Board may result in more rigorous regulation of securitisation transactions.
The future of securitisation
New Waste Act
The new Waste Act of 14 December 2012 went into force on 23 January 2013. It introduces major changes in the waste management system in Poland. The prior Waste Act of 27 April 2001 will continue to apply in certain areas, however.
New Waste Act
VAT on private lease of real estate
In order for VAT to apply to letting of real estate, it is not necessary that the property be let as part of the landlord’s business activity.
VAT on private lease of real estate