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Bank enforcement titles are unconstitutional: What next?
Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal has held that bank enforcement titles are contrary to the Polish Constitution because they violate the constitutional principle of equality. Pursuant to this judgment, the relevant provisions of the Banking Law—Art. 96(1) and Art. 97(1)—will cease to be in force on 1 August 2016. The ruling is fundamentally important for the entire banking sector and for bank customers.
Bank enforcement titles are unconstitutional: What next?
More on the confidentiality of arbitration
One of the arguments for submitting disputes to arbitration is the confidentiality of the award, which is important for businesses. But as the case law demonstrates, the state courts do not always get the message about the confidential essence of arbitration.
More on the confidentiality of arbitration
New and planned regulation of investment crowdfunding
New regulations and interpretations will soon have an impact on equity- and debt-based crowdfunding business models.
New and planned regulation of investment crowdfunding
Contracting authority need not award points for borrowed resources
The contracting authority does not violate Art. 26(2b) of the Public Procurement Law by not awarding a contractor points for borrowed resources, because fulfilling the conditions to qualify for participation in a procurement proceeding relying on the potential of a third party is different from the stage of selection of a shortlist of contractors, for which the conditions may be defined in the manner adopted by the contracting authority.
Contracting authority need not award points for borrowed resources
When an arbitration case winds up in state court
Confidentiality, speed and cost control by the parties are usually ticked off as advantages of arbitration. But these go out the window when the state court intervenes in an arbitration case.
When an arbitration case winds up in state court
Public tenders: How to calculate the period for filing an appeal?
If the deadline for filing an appeal in a tender procedure falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the contractor may file the appeal on the next business day.
Public tenders: How to calculate the period for filing an appeal?
Additional information about foods: A benefit for the consumer or a threat to competitors?
Apart from information about food products required by law, food producers may include optional information on labels concerning the characteristics of the product. Typically not much additional information is provided, because after inclusion of the mandatory data there’s not much room left on the label. This makes selection and verification of this additional information particularly important. Well-chosen additional information can help sell the product, but poorly chosen information can generate serious legal problems.
Additional information about foods: A benefit for the consumer or a threat to competitors?
Shareholder’s proxy at the general meeting of a public company
The season for annual general meetings is approaching with the deadline for approval of the financial statements of Polish companies. Shareholders need not participate in the meeting personally, but may appoint a proxy. However, the law provides for certain differences in appointment of proxies in listed and unlisted companies.
Shareholder’s proxy at the general meeting of a public company
Disputes under FIDIC contracts
Are proceedings before the Dispute Adjudication Board a necessary condition for seeking arbitration?
Disputes under FIDIC contracts
New criterion for evaluating product safety
The Court of Justice of the European Union has held that the probability of a defect can make a product defective.
New criterion for evaluating product safety
After a judgment is set aside on interlocutory appeal to the Supreme Court, the case can be reconsidered by the very same judges
The panel of judges must be changed after a ruling is overturned and remanded for reconsideration only in the case of a ruling on the merits of the specific dispute. This is not the case for proceedings commenced by an interlocutory appeal to the Supreme Court on procedural issues.
After a judgment is set aside on interlocutory appeal to the Supreme Court, the case can be reconsidered by the very same judges
Converting perpetual usufruct into ownership: Unconstitutional giveaway from local governments to private businesses
Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal has held that regulations giving economic entities the right to demand conversion of perpetual usufruct of land into ownership violate constitutional principles of social justice and local government autonomy.
Converting perpetual usufruct into ownership: Unconstitutional giveaway from local governments to private businesses