European Court of Justice | In Principle

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European Court of Justice

Czechs win Budweiser name in Europe
The dispute over the Budweiser name in Europe is now over. The European Court of Justice upheld the opposition by the Czech company Budějovický Budvar to an application by the American company Anheuser-Busch to register the Budweiser trademark for beer.
Czechs win Budweiser name in Europe
Correspondence with in-house lawyer not covered by attorney-client privilege
Wymiana korespondencji w ramach przedsiębiorstwa lub grupy przedsiębiorstw z prawnikami wewnętrznymi nie jest objęta tajemnicą informacji wymienianych między adwokatem a klientem, orzekł ETS w sprawie Akzo Nobel.
Correspondence with in-house lawyer not covered by attorney-client privilege
VAT effects of issuing vouchers to employees
Pracodawcy odchodzą od wynagradzania lub premiowania pracowników za pomocą bonów towarowych ze względu na niekorzystne zmiany w przepisach o podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych. Teraz wydawanie bonów może rodzić dodatkowe ryzyko w podatku VAT.
VAT effects of issuing vouchers to employees
Is it legal to use someone else's trademark in Internet advertising?
Use of other people’s trademarks as keywords may constitute trademark infringement if it is done without consent of the holder and the advertising steered to by the keywords may suggest legal or commercial ties between the advertiser and the holder.
Is it legal to use someone else's trademark in Internet advertising?
A DNA sequence alone does not merit patent protection
The holder of a patent may not prohibit trade in products containing a patented DNA sequence if the sequence does not perform the function for which it was patented.
A DNA sequence alone does not merit patent protection
Someone else's trademark in a domain name?
Internet domain names should be registered in a way that respects prior rights.
Someone else's trademark in a domain name?
Another gambling case
An EU member state may prohibit promotion and advertising of gambling services provided by enterprises from other member states, but may not apply discriminatory sanctions for violating the ban.
Another gambling case
Sales of samples and testers infringes trademark rights
A trademark holder may prohibit sale of brand samples and testers if the holder reserves title to the items and expressly indicates that they are not for sale, the European Court of Justice held on 3 June 2010.
Sales of samples and testers infringes trademark rights
Price regulation on a competitive gas market
Setting rates for energy companies is not inconsistent with achieving competition on the energy market, but not all price interventions by regulators are legally permissible.
Price regulation on a competitive gas market
Not every use of a trademark is sufficient to maintain registration rights
Placing a trademark on items given free-of-charge to customers does not constitute “genuine use” of a trademark required to maintain the registration.
Not every use of a trademark is sufficient to maintain registration rights