Supreme Court | In Principle

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Supreme Court

Direct payments to farmers are not "grants" but attempting to obtain them improperly may be punishable as fraud
The Polish Supreme Court has held that payments under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy are a form of financial support, and an attempt to obtain the payments under false pretences is a form of “capital fraud” under the Polish Penal Code.
Direct payments to farmers are not "grants" but attempting to obtain them improperly may be punishable as fraud
Salary cut for protected employees
An employer may reduce the salary of an employee who works reduced hours instead of taking childrearing leave, the Polish Supreme Court ruled in the judgment dated 12 May 2011 (Case No. II PK 6/11).
Salary cut for protected employees
Notary need not check a document before confirming the signature
When confirming the signature on a document, a Polish notary is not required to review the lawfulness of the document itself—particularly in the case of documents from abroad or in a foreign language.
Notary need not check a document before confirming the signature
Damages for unlawful nationalisation may be sought through the courts
The Polish Supreme Court has upheld the possibility of seeking damages through the courts for nationalised property…
Damages for unlawful nationalisation may be sought through the courts
Perpetual usufruct and public reliance on land and mortgage registers
The warranty of public reliance on land and mortgage registers protects an acquirer of perpetual usufruct in the event of defective entry in the land and mortgage register of the State Treasury or territorial governmental unit as the owner of real estate.
Perpetual usufruct and public reliance on land and mortgage registers
Magnesium and vitamin B6 may be good for stress, but not for everyone
Common and generic names of an informational nature may become distinctive when specific elements of the names are combined in a unique way, which means that they can become the dominant element of a trademark.
Magnesium and vitamin B6 may be good for stress, but not for everyone
Must a notary know foreign languages?
A notary who certifies the signature on a document need not review whether the content of the document is lawful—and thus may certify a signature on a document written in a language the notary does not know.
Must a notary know foreign languages?
Competition authority's rules for calculating fines not binding courts
When ruling on the amount of a fine, courts should be guided by the principle of proportionality, meaning that the fine should be tied to the revenue generated on sales of products affected by unlawful practices by the seller…
Competition authority's rules for calculating fines not binding courts
"Collection of items and rights" subject to a registered pledge should be interpreted in light of the economic purpose
The Polish Supreme Court upheld a cassation appeal presented by Wardyński & Partners and held that when evaluating whether a changing collection of assets may be subject to a registered pledge…
"Collection of items and rights" subject to a registered pledge should be interpreted in light of the economic purpose
Polish Supreme Court allows management board members to sign the same contract at different times
Zdaniem Sądu Najwyższego w pełni dopuszczalne jest złożenie przez członków zarządu takich samych oświadczeń co do istotnych postanowień umowy w różnym czasie.
Polish Supreme Court allows management board members to sign the same contract at different times
Resolution of supervisory board of joint-stock company may be challenged
There is no regulation in Polish law directly governing challenges to resolutions of the management board or supervisory board of a capital company. Thus there have long been doubts whether there is any way to set aside these resolutions.
Resolution of supervisory board of joint-stock company may be challenged
How long is a bank liable for the act of an employee?
If bank staff commit an offence to the detriment of a bank customer, the bank is liable for failure to supervise the employee.
How long is a bank liable for the act of an employee?