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already in force

How long before generic drugs can be marketed?
Generics are substitutes for an original drug. May they be marketed as soon as the 10-year regulatory protection period for the original (innovative) drug ends?
How long before generic drugs can be marketed?
New treatment of share redemption income
Amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Act and the Personal Income Act in Poland went into force on 1 January 2011, including changes in the tax treatment of share redemption transactions.
New treatment of share redemption income
Easier to file for bankruptcy
An amendment to the Polish Bankruptcy Law went into effect on 22 December 2010, giving debtors a chance to supplement deficient bankruptcy petitions while maintaining the original filing date.
Easier to file for bankruptcy
New authority for fiscal inspectors
When must a financial institution release information to fiscal audit authorities identifying the holder of a bank account?
New authority for fiscal inspectors
New authority for environmental inspectors to issue fines
The list of offences for which inspectors may impose fines by issuing a notice of penalty to violators has been expanded.
New authority for environmental inspectors to issue fines
What do fiscal inspectors need to know about us?
At the end of July 2010 an amendment to the Polish Fiscal Audit Act went into effect. Of particular interest is Art. 7c, which expands the obligations of businesses to provide information to tax inspectors.
What do fiscal inspectors need to know about us?
Amendments to Fiscal Audit Act
An amendment to the Fiscal Audit Act of 28 September 1991 went into effect on 30 July 2010.
Amendments to Fiscal Audit Act
Restriction on pre-emption rights of the Agricultural Property Agency
An amendment to the Agricultural System Act of 11 April 2003 went into effect on 8 July 2010.
Restriction on pre-emption rights of the Agricultural Property Agency
Class actions
The Act on Enforcement of Claims in a Group Proceeding went into effect on 19 July 2010. The act introduces the institution of the class action, not previously recognised under Polish law.
Class actions
Can a pre-war company still recover its assets?
An amendment to the Regulations Enacting the National Court Register Act has gone into effect that significantly changes the rules for re-registering pre-war companies in the National Court Register. The amendment makes it more difficult to reactivate pre
Can a pre-war company still recover its assets?
Environmental decisions assignable from 20 July 2010
Transferability of environmental decisions, which was possible under Polish law prior to November 2008, has now been restored. The gap caused major difficulties for investors carrying out projects that could have a significant environmental impact.
Environmental decisions assignable from 20 July 2010
Methods of landmark protection expanded
The Act dated 18 March 2010 Amending the Landmarks Care and Protection Act and Certain Other Acts has expanded the catalogue of forms of protection for landmarks in Poland.
Methods of landmark protection expanded