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Łukasz Lasek

Litigation financing in times of pandemic
One of the more serious consequences of the pandemic will be a wave of business litigation. However, strong arguments and credible evidence are not enough to win a dispute. It also takes resources to pursue a lawsuit, and soon that may be particularly difficult to come by.
Litigation financing in times of pandemic
New litigation management tools for judges
Two conditions must be met for a civil dispute to be resolved effectively: at the earliest stage of the case it must be precisely defined what is truly disputed between the parties, and the proceeding should be planned so that those issues can be focused on. If this can be achieved, the parties and the court can devote their energy and attention to the truly relevant issues. This will improve the speed and quality of judicial decisions, legal certainty, and security of commerce.
New litigation management tools for judges
Przesłuchanie w postępowaniu karnym – poradnik dla przedsiębiorcy i jego pracowników
Nasi klienci często kontaktują się z nami, gdy oni sami lub ich pracownicy otrzymają wezwanie na przesłuchanie. Często nie wiedzą, dlaczego zostali wezwani. Pytają, jak mogliby się uzyskać informacje, czego dotyczy dana sprawa. Chcieliby wiedzieć, jak takie prze­słuchanie przebiega i jakie są ich prawa i obowiązki.
Przesłuchanie w postępowaniu karnym – poradnik dla przedsiębiorcy i jego pracowników
Could businesses be sued for data leaks?
When hackers exploited vulnerability due to software not being updated at a US credit agency, important data of millions of customers in the US, Canada, and the UK were leaked. The US federal authorities have launched an investigation that could lead to millions in fines. Bosses at the firm were questioned in a congressional hearing and the agency is facing the largest class action in US history. This sounds like the plot of a financial thriller, but the Equifax case did in fact happen and is a lesson for the future.
Could businesses be sued for data leaks?
Disputes involving demand guarantees
Demand guarantees are among the most popular methods of securing international commercial transactions. They may be used to secure both the payment of fees and satisfactory performance of particular works. The popularity of these guarantees (sometimes also referred to as payment guarantees) can be attributed to the fact that they are issued by trustworthy and globally recognisable financial institutions (usually banks and insurance companies), and their operation is governed by universal rules well-understood in the business community. Guarantees are also independent of the underlying relationship between the parties, and the payment conditions are based on objective criteria, eliminating the potential for unexpected interpretations and actions by the parties. Given these factors, it is understandable that disputes regarding payment guarantees can usually be avoided. However, when they do occur, they usually involve substantial sums, with the potential to affect the financial liquidity of the companies involved.
Disputes involving demand guarantees
Indemnity – when is it due and in what amount?
Disputes concerning indemnity arise under an agency agreement. This payment does not become due automatically, as there are certain requirements. This payment is due on the basis of equity and is intended to give an agent a share in the profits they help to generate.
Indemnity – when is it due and in what amount?
Private enforcement under the GDPR
While the new data protection regulation provides for severe administrative penalties for failure to comply, it is well known that whether a penalty is effective is determined not by its severity but by its inevitability. Even though the personal data protection authority has been given broad powers, it does not have adequate means of exercising them. A solution could be a private enforcement mechanism within the regulation, whereby any person whose data has been breached can independently seek a judicial remedy.
Private enforcement under the GDPR
Disputes over breach of trade secrets in the age of the digital economy
As information technology and the knowledge-based economy develop, trade secrets are increasing in importance. At the same time, theft of trade secrets and losses for the economy due to this problem are increasing. In recent years legislators have taken measures to modernise and strengthen the protection of trade secrets.
Disputes over breach of trade secrets in the age of the digital economy
Can airlines cancel a return ticket because the passenger missed the outbound flight?
Linie lotnicze często anulują bilet, jeśli podróżny nie stawił się na lot w pierwszą stronę lub na lot na pierwszym odcinku podróży. Czy taka praktyka jest zgodna z prawem?
Can airlines cancel a return ticket because the passenger missed the outbound flight?
The future of legal services in a world of artificial intelligence
Will AI replace lawyers and judges or simply change the way they work and think about the law?
The future of legal services in a world of artificial intelligence
Brexit: what about uniform rules for judicial cooperation in civil cases and the free flow of judgments?
The English courts are among the most commonly selected in the world for resolving disputes. Most cases there are decided under English law, but membership in the EU is one reason for the popularity of English courts. After Brexit, does London have a chance to retain its position as a world leader in dispute resolution?
Brexit: what about uniform rules for judicial cooperation in civil cases and the free flow of judgments?
Clause on choice of foreign law not always effective in consumer transactions
Traders offering goods and services online often provide in their general terms and conditions that contracts with consumers will be governed by the law of the country there the seller has its registered office. EU law basically allows such contracts, but the choice of law must not deprive the consumer of the protection afforded him by mandatory provisions of law which would have been applicable if the contract did not contain the choice of law clause.
Clause on choice of foreign law not always effective in consumer transactions