Katarzyna Żukowska
What is the right to personal data?
new technologies, data protection
When seeking inspiration for the future legal status of data, it is worth taking a closer look at how the right to personal data has been shaped. In particular, we could consider whether it is a property right and whether the current legal framework for the right to personal data corresponds to reality and meets our needs.

Is it now time for employment contracts in electronic form?
already in force, employment
As of 1 January 2019, amendments to the Labour Code came into force allowing employee files to be kept in electronic form. This raises the obvious question of whether employment contracts can be in electronic form as well.

New era for personal data protection
data protection, outsourcing
Work is underway on a General Data Protection Regulation for the EU. The changes expected in the new legislation will be important for outsourcing companies. Among the planned changes, there will be severe sanctions for violation of data protection regulations.

End of the Safe Harbour programme: What next?
data protection, European Court of Justice
The Court of Justice has issued a judgment invalidating the European Commission’s Safe Harbour decision. This means that participation in the Safe Harbour programme by US entities is no longer grounds for European companies to transfer personal data of EEA citizens to the United States.

New Council of Europe recommendation on processing of employee’s personal data in light of new technologies
new technologies, data protection
The new recommendation on processing of data for purposes of employment is designed to meet challenges posed by greater digitisation.

Protection of personal data in internal investigations
data protection, corporate
Poland’s data protection regulations do not directly address internal investigations, but that does not mean they do not apply. In fact they can play a major role in drawing the line between lawful and unlawful investigative measures.

Settlement of overtime pay may take up to a year
new provisions, employment
Under the amended provisions of the Polish Labour Code, in effect since 23 August 2013, employers are now permitted to apply approaches to determining employees’ working time that are more flexible than under the previous law.

Consultation concerning intended redundancies and personal date protection
data protection, employment
When an employer consults with a trade union concerning the intention to lay off workers, it is easy to run afoul of data protection regulations.

Uniform principles for the remuneration of contractors
new provisions, employment
A new act implementing certain European Union provisions on equal treatment is awaiting signature by the President and will probably come into force as of the New Year.

The gift of the Magi
new provisions, employment
An act amending the Labour Code and other laws comes into force from 1 January 2011, establishing a new public holiday on Epiphany (January 6).